YiHi SX Mini

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$100.00 Vape SX mini
Stabilized wood. Vape comes with batteries / one spare coil and tank. Like new condition.
Edmonton, Alberta
Used Item Price is Negotiable
posted 3 years ago (1095 views)
First Id like to say, this is the original "VAPEDBREED" who had been selling on this site since day one, and had 100% positive feedback with over 30 sales. I appreciate all those past customers who took the time to write nothing but kind words about their experinces with me. …
vap3dbreed (100 ) 100% +ve feedback
Wilmington, MA
New Item
posted 3 years ago (1318 views)
First Id like to say, this is the original "VAPEDBREED" who had been selling on this site since day one, and had 100% positive feedback with over 30 sales. I appreciate all those past customers who took the time to write nothing but kind words about their experinces with me. …
vap3dbreed (100 ) 100% +ve feedback
Wilmington, MA
New Item
posted 3 years ago (1824 views)
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