Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of our most Frequently Asked Questions that we have received from users. Simply CLICK on question for the answer! For our Sell/Pawn/Consign FAQ, please CLICK here

We are a popular niche Classified Ad marketplace, similar to Craigslist and eBay, but specifically for Vape related equipment. The Vape Trader allows users from the United States and other countries (where Vaping is legal) to advertise Vape equipment that they want to Sell, Trade, or Buy. After posting a Classified ad interested buyers or traders can engage in conversation with ad posters directly from our site – via our private (email) messaging system, public comments, or any contact information you include in your ad. However, we are not involved at all with any transaction that may or may not result from posting on our site. Payment and shipping terms must be arranged independently between the buyer and seller and we assume no liability in any losses or damages as a result of using our site. We also now offer direct buying, pawn loan, and consignment programs for new or lightly used Vape equipment (see below).

Yes! Due to popular demand, The Vape Trader recently launched a Direct Buying, Pawn Loan, and Consignment programs for new and lightly used authentic Vape equipment. For more information on these program please read our dedicated Sell/Pawn/Consign Frequently Asked Questions. If you would like to apply to one of these programs in order to receive a quote for your Vape item/s you can complete this form.

Under current United States federal laws The Vape Trader is completely legal to use, as long as you are 18 years or older or of legal age to use tobacco related products in the Locality you reside (21+ California, Hawaii, and New Jersey). Some States, Counties and other Local governments within the United States have enforced regulations that may differ from Federal regulations. It is your responsibility to understand and abide by any local Vaping restrictions, if they exist. If you reside outside of the United States you must check with your Countries current laws in regards to use and/or import/export regulations in place for Electronic Cigarette and Vaping related devices and liquid.

As with any Classified Advertising website there is the risk of dealing with Fraudulent and dishonest users. However, we have taken several measures to make our platform as safe as possible and we very much encourage and appreciate any assistance from the community to help moderate and keep the site a safe and healthy trading environment. As such, ads can now be flagged (go the bottom of page and click on ‘Report Problem’) and 2 or more reports on an ad (from separate users) will result in the ad being removed. Additionally, public comments can be made on all listings and we now implement an GEO IP matching protocol, where if the IP address of the poster does does not match the location stated on the ad, the ad will not be approved. Countries notorious for Internet scams (like Nigeria) have been blocked completely. Even with all of these security measures in place users should still always use their best judgment with any transactions they decide to enter or initiate, as The Vape Trader will not be held responsible for any losses or damages as a result of using our site. Please read our Protect yourself from Fraud article for few simple ways to help ensure safer transactions when using our platform. We recommend using Paypal (goods and services) or an independent Escrow service (such as for any transaction that is not local and will involve shipping.

Listing on our Site is quite simple. However, before attempting to post an ad on our site please first read our posting Rules and Regulations. Afterwards (if you understand and agree to our rules), simply click on the ‘POST AN AD’ button located on the top right of every page. You must be registered and logged in to post. After that the process is quite simple: Make sure to select the correct category for you classified ad and follow the step by step process, completing each required field. Hold your cursor over the question mark if you are unsure what to put in any field and make sure to upload at least 1 picture of what you are selling or trading. After your ad is submitted a moderator will review and publish it. If it is not approved you will receive an email stating why it was not and given a chance to make the necessary changes and submit it again. You can always contact us with any questions during the process.

When you create an ad, a special email is generated for that ad. This special email masks your real email and any email sent to it will be relayed to your original email. This protects your contact information from the public eye.

Postings ads on is currently free. Please see our ad pricing page

We are now available in the U.S., U.K., Canadian, Australian, and Malaysian markets. In 2016 we will be Franchising our platform out locally (on Country specific domains) in each of these markets

We are the most popular Vape trading community online with over 1000 visitors each day looking to buy, sell, or trade vape mods and vape equipment. If you list your ad properly and price it competitively there is a very good chance you will get offers on your vape item. Please read our Tips for Sellers article to learn how to effectively sell on our platform. You can read reviews from several of our happy users or share your own review of our service HERE.

No we do not currently offer this and only offer a Classified Advertising style format. However, we are currently working on launching an Auction selling platform in early 2022. It is currently in Beta, with ongoing testing and development. If we are able to launch this platform as expected, we will announce it on our Blog and Social Media outlets as soon as it becomes available for public use.

You can recover/reset your password HERE. As a security measure 10 failed login attempts within 10 minutes will temporarily lock you out. If you forgot your password, have tried resetting it and still can not login please feel free to contact us and we will help you out.

Currently, we manually review all ads posted to the site to reduce spam and fraudulent activity. Please allow 1-6 hours for your ad to be approved and published. If your listing was not approved you will receive a notification from us stating the reasons why and what you can do to fix the issues and re-submit the ad for approval. If your ad was not approved/published (after 24 hours) and you did not receive an email notification stating why, please check your spam box. If you can not find any notification please contact us.

To edit or pause (unpublish) ads simply login and go to your dashboard (top right link). From there you will see your ads and you can edit (click on the pencil next to the ad you want to edit) to change price, description, pics, or anything else. You can also pause an ad (click on the pause sign). Pausing ads will keep your ad on your dashboard but remove it from being live (available for others to see) on the site. If an item has sold you should mark the ad/item as sold (see below). We no longer support users being able to delete ads, as once it is deleted it is removed from our database and we or the user no longer has a record of the ad. Instead old (unpublished, sold, and expired) ads are manually deleted from our databases after a set amount of time.

After your item has sold, log into your account to mark your item as sold. From your dashboard you can view your ads and click on the ‘Mark as sold’ option, which will do just that. Alternatively, you can pause your ad which will remove it from being published live but will keep the ad on your private dashboard if you decide to relist it or need to refer to it for any reason. We recommend the first option, as this helps us and our users see what items have sold. Marking as sold, rather than unpublishing also makes it easier for whomever purchased the item to review the transaction. After your transaction has completed and the buyer has received the item/s you were selling you should ask them to review your transaction (see below). Additionally, if you have a minute always appreciate feedback from our users.
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