Authentic copper Manhattan mod
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Vacherie, LA
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I bought this less thank a week ago, used it twice, and decided to cough up the extra money for the mighty. Great vaporizer, just doesn’t have all of the features I need. Absolutely everything included. Free shipping to US.
Paducah, KY
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posted 2 years ago (1331 views)
SOLD Tinymight
Owned for less than a month, relocating to a nonlegal state and can't take it with me. Works perfectly, packs a punch. Beautiful device. Comes with additional stems, the additional screens/o-ring kit and an extra battery so you'll be set!
Portland, OR
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posted 2 years ago (684 views)
The Zeus Arc is a premium dry herb vaporizer, that offers a high-octane vapor experience geared towards hassle-free operation. The Zeus Arc features a stainless steel vapor path with a unique heatsink that effectively cools vapor before it hits your mouth. The sleek chassis of the Zeus Arc houses an…
Los Angeles, CA
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posted 3 years ago (636 views)
Like new. Used for a few days only.
MrAoK (80 ) 100% +ve feedback
Las Vegas, NV
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posted 2 years ago (720 views)
$0.00 Geek Vape
Everything works fine! Except needs new atomizer. Will return money if vape is returned unharmed!
Baton Rouge, LA
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posted 2 years ago (586 views)
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