PAX ERA Life + Cartridge battery
$20.00 Show more
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Castro Valley, CA 94546
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Rainbow colored, extra coil, charger, and vape juice!
Odessa , TX
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$50.00 Aegis vape
Aegis vape for sale
Phoenix, AZ
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posted 2 years ago (647 views)
I recently quit vaping and have a massive amount of mods for sale. I will include everything. I have many dual 18650 mods, single 21700 mods, pod mods. I will also include whatever tanks I have laying around. I have spe t probably close to 1000.00 on these. All in working condition.
Bellmore, NY
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posted 2 years ago (871 views)
This Mech Mod is in excellent condition, it is a rare model that has only been used twice in it's lifetime. Due to it being rare I really didn't want to use it. Really tough to part with but I no longer use mech mods. the color is Orange with Blue splatter
Rhinelander, WI
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posted 2 years ago (819 views)
$50.00 Snowwolf
Mode itself has been used well. Still works great! Needs batteries but also plugs in. The tank I've had for only a few months works great and also comes with the extra glass piece, extra silicone rings and 2 coils. I've had no problems with it but just got a new one for my birthday.
Used Item Price is Negotiable
posted 2 years ago (529 views)
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