Avid Lyfe Mods

Avid Lyfe (Avid Lyfe Inc.), formerly known as AmeraVape Technologies, is a popular American manufacturer of Mechanical competition Mods and accessories. Avid Lyfe was founded in 2014 by Erik Hutchinson and is based out of Vista California. Popular Avid Lyfe Mods include the Able Mod, Timekeeper, and Shock & Awe.

Listed below are ALL Avid Lyfe Mods posted on The Vape Trader. You can SORT listings below by Date listed (default), Price, or Popularity.
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Authentic copper Able Mod with Comp Lyfe modifications, custom Stormtrooper sleeve, earth magnets and solid silver contact. This mod will need some polishing as the pictures will show. I’ve had it on display for quite some time.
Aurora, IN
Used Item Price is Negotiable
updated 2 years ago (1237 views)
Hits like a monstor just looking for a nookie v3 or something similar
Elkton, KY
New Item
posted 3 years ago (1448 views)
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